OpenAI API - Chat

A chatbot leveraging OpenAI API for personalized responses. Tailored to assist Indian students in making informed decisions about their education path after 10th grade.

Technology Stack: ReactJS, Node.js, OpenAI API, AI.


Text to Image Generator

A ReactJS application utilising Segmind API to generate images from text descriptions, providing a creative and visual representation of textual content.

Technology Stack: ReactJS, Node.js, Segmind API, AI.


Video to Subtitle Generator

A video-to-subtitle generator powered by Whisper API from OpenAI. It efficiently converts spoken words in videos into textual subtitles.

Technology Stack: ReactJS, Node.js, Whisper API, OpenAI, AI.


Speech to Subtitle Generator

An application using Whisper API from Open AI to transcribe spoken words into subtitles, facilitating easy understanding and accessibility of audio content.

Technology Stack: ReactJS, Node.js, Whisper API, OpenAI, AI.



LingoCraft, a ReactJS app utilizing OpenAI APIs, offers a range of language-related features, showcasing the versatility of AI in language processing.

Technology Stack: ReactJS, Node.js, Segmind API, AI.


OpenAI - Quiz App

A quiz generator app powered by OpenAI\'s GPT model. It dynamically creates multiple-choice quiz questions based on user-specified topics, enhancing the learning experience.

Technology Stack: ReactJS, Node.js, OpenAI API, AI.


Chat - Text and Video Chat

A chat application built with React, Node.js, and, providing users with the option to communicate through text or video chat, enhancing real-time communication experiences.

Technology Stack: React, Node.js, MongoDB (MERN), WebRTC,


Desk Screen Time (Time Tracker)

Desk Screen Time, a time-tracking app built with NextJS and Node.js, monitors employee work hours and captures screen screenshots to facilitate productivity and time management.

Technology Stack: NextJS, Node.js, MongoDB.

Desk Screen Time (Time Tracker)

Threejs Animation

We're leveraging the capabilities of the react-three-fiber library to develop a dynamic boat. With react-three-fiber's powerful features, we aim to create a visually stunning and immersive experience for users.

Technology Stack: React, ThreesJS, @react-three/fiber, @react-three/drei, react-spring, Bootstrap


Text to Speech Editor

Speech Synthesis Markup Language editor made with quilljs and React quill to synthesize speech. It's a WYSIWYG editor for ssml. It works with Microsoft Azure text to speech.

Technology Stack: React, Quilljs, React-Quill, Tailwind
